
How to Troubleshoot the 502 Bad Gateway Error in WordPress website

Are you witnessing the 502 Bad Gateway Error? Don’t get frustrated. It happens all the time. It happens to Gmail, Facebook and also to WordPress Websites. There are many diffident types of 500 Errors, and almost all of them are a way for the servers to notify users about errors.

Simply put, 502 Bad Gateway error is an HTTP status code. What this error really means is your request for a certain action was not properly processed by the Web-Servers. This might happen due to server problems as well as intensive web-traffic.

How to Troubleshoot the 502 Bad Gateway Error in WordPress website

You might have previously witnessed the Google 502 Error. There are many different wordings for this error, but they point to the same error. You might see a 502 error message that reads “502 Service Temporarily Overload“, “502 Proxy Error“, or even bigger messages like “502 Server Error: The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request“.

The most famous of all 502 Error Messages is probably of that of Twitter. It displays a 502 error message that has a whale and some birds trying to carry it, which really implies that there is too much traffic to its servers.

How to Troubleshoot the 502 Bad Gateway Error in WordPress website 1

How to Fix the 502 Bad Gateway Error?

In this blog, you will learn how to fix the 502 Error for WordPress Websites. Now it is also important to note that these solutions will work perfectly for your users as well as owners of WordPress Websites.

Refresh Your Web-Page

The first solution is refreshing your Web-Page. Most of the time a refresh will fix the error and get the Web-Page back on its track. You might also try using the “Hard Refresh” function by pressing the “Ctrl+Shift+R” altogether. If this does not work, you might also want to try closing your current Browser Tab and opening a new one.

Clear Cookies

Removing Cookies is the second solution to this problem. You might want to clear all browser cookies or you might want to clear only browser-specific cookies. In case you are wondering what Cookies are, they are files that are transferred by your Web-Servers to your Web-Browser. There are many reasons for using cookies, the most prominent one of all is it helps to store Website data temporarily on your Web-Browser so that the next time you visit that website, it will take less time to load.

Wrap Up!

The two solutions listed above should solve the 502 Error. But if they do not work, try switching on “Safe Mode” on your Browser. Almost all the popular Web-Browsers i.e. Chrome, FireFox and Opera have a Safe Mode. Turing on the Safe Mode means, your browser will load without any extension or add-on you might have installed.

Picture of Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya is CMO at WPDeveloper. She is helping the company to create a dynamic team and sustainable business from the scratch. When she is offline from the digital world, she must be traveling to find natural beauty in remote places.

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