
Add & Style Your Google Maps Using EA for Elementor

Don’t you think the online visibility of your company’s location is now an imperative part of showcasing your business? Google Map plays a vital role to fulfill that job entirely. To ease the work of embedding your business location on your Website via Google Maps, Elementor comes with a dedicated Google Map element. 

Google Map is a web mapping service provided by Google. By using it, you can easily find your or any company’s location, distance or shortest route for your destination. If your company is visible in google map directory, people can find your location in minutes and get direction in real time. 

If you are using Essential Addons for Elementor, you are in luck. Essential Addons also comes with a Google Map element that offers advanced features that makes it easy to embed Google Maps to your Website as well as add styling to it.

elementor google map style

Importance of Google Map To Display Business Location

Google Map becomes a great friend of daily life to reach out to the desired destination. It gives traffic alerts, views the shortest route, time or distance that makes life easier for everyone. Instantly you can have a look of the whole situation just by using one Map. 

On the other hand, Google Maps allows business location to be listed on the map. Once you get listed, your business will become visible and searchable on Google Map. It will strengthen your online presence. Your customers can easily find your location on the map and new people will feel relieved to see your online visibility. It will definitely help you to grow your business. 

Now you can create one easily for your site by Elementor and Its ultimate Library Essential Addons as both of them offer Google Map elements.

Embed Google Map On Elementor 

By using, the native Elementor Google Map widget, you can easily set-up a map on your website. Visitors can easily view your company location on an expanded map. Here, you can insert your desired location, expand map size and style a bit with Elementor. Google Map
But if you want to add advanced functionalities, Advanced Google Map widget of Essential Addons is here to help you out! It will provide you with lots of advanced features and functions to design one for your site!

Advanced Google Map Feature Of Essential Addons  

Advanced Google Map widget of Essential Addons comes up with 8 types of the map to easily find your location on search. The basic style is the by default style but others are also present like Multiple Marker, Static, Polyline, Polygon, Overlay, With Routes and Panorama. You can easily select the desired one from the Content tab of the General Settings section. 

Google Map

How The Basic Content Type Work For Google Map

At first, to start working with Google Map, you need to insert the API Key from the settings section and save settings to view the map on site. So for that, you can see our documentation, How to Configure and Style Advanced Google Map to get help!

Google MapNow let’s discuss the Basic setup type of EA Google Map. Here, you can insert the location manually on Address type, also select the coordinates like Latitude and longitude to use as the focal location. 

From Map Marker Settings, you can insert the title or extra content to the map location pointer. This will view the title by holding the mouse cursor and view the content after pressing the icon. You can also select a custom marker icon to show your location and select the marker width and height to control the icon view.

Google Map

On the other hand, from Map Controls, you can choose the zoom level of the map to expand the map size. You can also enable or disable the Street View Controls, Map Type Controls, Zoom Control, Full-Screen Control, and Scroll Wheel Zoom to show the google map to your visitors the way they can understand the path easily. 

Google Map

You can style your Google Map by different Map Theme selection. By choosing a theme, you can uniquely design the map for your visitors from six different theme selection like Standard, Silver, Retro, Dark, Night and Aubergine. This will help your audience to find your location easily and quickly with a creative and simple look.

Google Map
Finally, from the Style tab, you can style the map by selecting the Max Height or Max Width.

Google Map

This is how you can swiftly design and organize your Google Map location by the Basic settings configuration of Advanced EA Google Map widget.

Multiple Marker Functions For Advanced Google Map

First, you have to select the Multiple Marker map type from General Settings. By doing this, you can focus on multiple locations on Map. You just have to add items, select the coordinates like Latitude and longitude from the Map Marker Settings. It will be used as the focal location of the Google Map. Google MapThen again, you can insert the title, content, set icon or change icon color to design it as per your need. You can also use the Map Controls and Map Theme to showcase it beautifully for your visitors that they find the location with ease.

Panorama View To Find Location Quickly and Easily 

By selecting Panorama type, you can display your location just like the live street view. People can easily find the location of your company or other commercial places immediately. You just need to fill the coordinates like Latitude and longitude to visualize it on your site. 

Google Map

Similarly to other content types, you can control the Map view from the Map Controls from Content settings. Also, you can Style the map by max width and height selection.  

Therefore, by EA Google Map widget, you can select multiple types, add multiple locations, control the map view or design and style it easily and quickly. Your customer can search for your location instantly by this advanced google map selection. 

Sum Up

In gist, Google Map is the most essential part of daily life to search location, find out traffic updates, shortest routes, distance and time in one place. To enrich your Business value, commercial location setup in Google Map helps audience to find your company with ease, also grow trust to people by finding out the physical existence. By using, EA Google Map for Elementor, you can design the advanced map effortlessly for your site.

So, What are you waiting for? Try out our EA Google Map Widget now and leave a comment below!     

Picture of Syeda Sanjida Afrin

Syeda Sanjida Afrin

Afrin works as a Digital Marketer and an enthusiastic tech content writer. She completed her Master of Business Administration with a major in Marketing & a Bachelor in Telecommunication Engineering. If you don't find her out working, maybe she is traveling, watching animated movies, singing, or eating her favorite food in her favorite place.

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