
Top Places To Use Elementor Ready Blocks & Save Your Precious Time

Are you in love with Elementor? Who isn’t! Elementor is the best tool anyone needs to build amazing Websites without any coding skill. From Blocks to top-notch elements, Elementor is packed with every necessary tool for building a professional website.

Top Places To Use Elementor Ready Blocks & Save Your Precious Time 1

Elementor Blocks

Talking about Blocks, it is a slight variation of Elementor Templates. When we talk about Templates we think about full-length pages containing every component necessary. The templates are named differently based on their components and layout. But can we consider Templates as the fundamental unit of Webpage creation? Well, not really.

Elementor Blocks are a combination of ready-made templates for the smallest and most fundamental parts of a Website, like a Header, Footer or CTA button.

To access the Blocks you need to open the Elementor Templates Tab first, then navigate to the Blocks Tab. The Blocks have the layout ready, all you need to do is add content to them. But before you get straight into it, let’s talk about the 10 places where you can use the Blocks.

Top Places To Use Elementor Ready Blocks & Save Your Precious Time 2

Call To Action

Call to Action or CTA can take the form of a Button, an image or simply a string of text that entices your Website visitors to perform a certain task. It must be easily distinguishable from the rest of your Web pages for very obvious reasons. Also, this is where you can unleash the rawest of your marketing ideas.

Top Places To Use Elementor Ready Blocks & Save Your Precious Time 3

One of the most common places where you will see a CTA button is on Pricing Pages. Similarly, CTA is an essential part of online forms. But you might need to insert a CTA inside a Blog as well.


The name FAQ is the abbreviation for Frequently Asked Questions. FAQ sections hold very straightforward answers to the most common queries your clients/customers might have about your product or service. This is why the FAQ section must not include irrelevant or not-so-important questions. You might include an FAQ part at the Footer section of your website or on your Product/Service Landing Pages.


Features of your product should be presented in bullet points. The Feature section does not need a good starting, in fact, you should directly list down the features without any unnecessary wordplay. But yes, there is scope for sugar coating while forming the bullet points. Many websites place a Feature section on their Home Page as well.


Clients is a very important page. There is very little scope for building online credibility. And inserting a Clients section is one of the ways you can earn credibility from your customers.

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In a Clients section, you list down some of your major clients who are well-known in their fields. Similar to a Features page, a Clients section should be one of the very first things your visitors see when they first visit your Website.


Pricing is the final and most important layer of your Marketing Funnel. It might be a better idea to have a separate Pricing Page on your Website. However, this does not mean you cannot insert Pricing on other parts of your website. You can insert a Pricing section on your Product/Service Landing Page. Or on a very different note, you can use the Pricing Blocks if you ever have to compare between two products, one is yours’ and the other being your rivals’.

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By default, every new page or post you create using WordPress will have a Header section. However, you can also insert custom Headers across your website. In fact, the Header Blocks of Elementor can be conditioned to display on several pages without having to individually insert them.


Similar to the Header section, a Footer panel comes by default. However, a Footer panel contains very different components when compared to the Header section. A Footer pane might include social share buttons, Navigation Menu or a Subscription Form. The Footer Blocks on Elementor are versatile. You will find Blocks that will serve your needs.


Services sections list down the services you provide. However, it has more significance than you think because this is where you can stand out from your rivals. Both the wording and design of the section is important in this regard. Rest assured the Services Blocks have the design part covered. All you have to do is conjure up wording that will appeal to your visitors the most.


You can’t build a good online presence without putting effort into building a good email list. In fact, a Subscription section can be seen as that part that complements the other parts of your website, like your blogs. You can get good traffic to your website by rolling out new blogs every day, but that’s not enough to build good relations with your clients. Regular readers will not mind receiving a push notification about new blogs through emails. On a different note, a good Landing Page must always include a Subscription Form. If you don’t have a Subscription form on your landing page or your Blogs, stay calm as Elementor blocks have you covered.


In this blog I have listed down 10 elements of WordPress Websites and Testimonials is the second one that helps to build credibility. You can’t help but accept the fact that there are very little ways you can build credibility. Furthermore, if you are too desperate or lack the subtleness in your content you will never earn your clients trust. In fact, it might have the opposite effect.

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Testimonials are not meant to be used in Landing Pages only. You can insert Testimonial sections in between in blogs as well.

Wrapping Up!

So, what are you waiting for? Now you know what kinds of Blocks you have at your disposal all set to be deployed across your Website. Do let us know on which parts of your website you would use the blocks.

Picture of Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya is CMO at WPDeveloper. She is helping the company to create a dynamic team and sustainable business from the scratch. When she is offline from the digital world, she must be traveling to find natural beauty in remote places.

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