
How to Fix “The Uploaded File Exceeds the upload_max_filesize” Error in Elementor

It’s a very common scenario to encounter the Maximum File size Exceeding error at least once for WordPress users. The problem generally occurs when trying to upload a file or an image that crosses the size limit predefined by the server settings.  You don’t have to worry if you are facing this issue as well. It can be easily resolved by a simple trick. In this article, we are going to show you the guideline on how you can fix the ‘The Uploaded File Exceeds the upload_max_filesize’ in WordPress.

How to Fix "The Uploaded File Exceeds the upload_max_filesize" Error in Elementor 1

Why the Max File Size Error Occurs in WordPress

Well, to keep things running smoothly, The Hosting Provider defines a limitation for the upload size. It can actually vary from one server to another. Generally, it wouldn’t be a problem if the files you are trying to are less than the restriction set. However, what if you try to upload a bigger one? That’s exactly when you run into this ‘The Uploaded File Exceeds the upload_max_filesize’ error on your website.

For instance, if the maximum file upload size is restricted to only 2MB and you attempt to upload a larger file (suppose 40MB), then you would face this error. This normally happens when trying to upload Images who got higher resolutions or media files which is pretty big. You can even get this issue if you go on to insert a Plugin or Theme which exceeds the predefined size limit as well.

Upload Max File Size Error

This has been a topic of discussion for years over the Forums such as StackOverflow, Reddit, and many other popular platforms. Even though this error might seem a bit scary but there’s a quick turnaround. You can effortlessly solve this problem with a quick solution. There are a few ways to get rid of this issue in no time. So, let’s have a look at how you can easily troubleshoot & fix it only a few steps:

Solution 1: Updating Your php.ini File

The most common way to fix this error is by making changes your php.ini file. Typically, it’s located inside the wp-admin folder. But it might differ depending on the hosting provider you are using. Once you find the php.ini file and open it. Then search for this line of code in the file: upload_max_filesize.

After you are able to locate it, simply replace it with the following code:

upload_max_filesize = 256M

Simply just save the changes and refresh your website. Afterward, you can go ahead and successfully upload your preferred files without any problem. This is how by increasing the maximum file upload size, you can easily take care of this error.

Upload Max File Size Error

Solution 2: Modifying .htaccess File

If the first solution doesn’t work, you can try this method. Hosting provider allows you to make changes to your PHP Settings through the .htaccess file. By modifying this file, you can increase the maximum file upload size. To do this process, you need to either login to your cPanel or get access to your FTP server.
After you have successfully completed the previous step, simply just go ahead and look for the .htaccess file. The file is located inside the WordPress directory. Then, open the .htaccess file and include the following line of code at the bottom of the file:
php_value upload_max_filesize 256M
php_value post_max_size 64M
php_value memory_limit 400M
php_value max_execution_time 180
php_value max_input_time 180
Once you are done with this step, make sure to click on save changes. You won’t see this error anymore. That’s how easy it is. Isn’t it?

Final Thoughts

We have already talked about the ways you can effortlessly deal with the Upload Max File Size error in WordPress. Besides our mentioned methods, you can also modify the wp-config.php file or contact the hosting provider to get an easy solution as well. To wrap this up,  all you have to do is to just increase your File Upload Size to fix the ‘The Uploaded File Exceeds the upload_max_filesize’ error in WordPress.

If you still any issues regarding the Maximum File Size Exceeding error, feel free to leave your comments here or Contact Support.

Picture of Rafin


Computer Geek with Love for Arsenal Football Club. Bit of a Workaholic as well.

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