
How To Integrate MailChimp With WordPress Using Elementor To Get More Subscribers

For over the years, Email Marketing has been the most popular way to thrive in this competitive era. If it’s not implemented correctly, your business is likely going to get hurt badly. This is why it is very important to keep your focus on how to grow your email subscribers through various approaches. MailChimp, the most popular email marketing tool, is being used all over the world to manage mailing lists, newsletters, marketing campaigns and many more.

So, to get an edge over your competitors, then you should definitely make sure to use this on your website & increase your conversion rate as a result. If you are using Elementor Page Builder, then you can simply just go ahead and use Essential Addons for Elementor to integrate MailChimp with WordPress site without any hassle.

How To Integrate MailChimp With WordPress Using Elementor To Get More Subscribers

How to Integrate MailChimp with WordPress Website

Essential Addons PRO gives you the opportunity to easily integrate your MailChimp account with your WordPress website. All you have to make sure that your MailChimp account is up & running. With simple configuration & ease of styling, it allows you to grow your Email Subscribers beyond imagination. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started by following the steps mentioned in this article.

Configure MailChimp with WordPress Site Using Elementor

MailChimp with WordPress

Before you begin, you need to generate your API Key from your MailChimp account. After you have done so, you can simply just insert it in the Essential Addons Settings.

To integrate MailChimp with WordPress website, simply just navigate to your WordPress Dashboard -> Essential Addons -> Elements. Then, click on ‘MailChimp Settings’ & put your API Key in the field.

After the connection is properly established, you can go ahead and insert EA MailChimp from the Elementor Editor. Even if you are a newbie, you would find the Configuration settings very easy for you.

The whole setup is nicely organized to get you going. First of all, simply just go ahead & choose your MailChimp List which you want to use to get subscribers.

Basically, you will have plenty of customization options to get the MailChimp Form to your expectations. For instance, you can play around with the Filed Settings and change the Form Labels. You will also have the flexibility to change the Button texts.

Besides, you will have control over what message you want to display when a user successfully submits the MailChimp form.

MailChimp with WordPress

Personalize the MailChimp Form

In terms of Styling, you will have total control on how you want the MailChimp Form to appear on your website. There are lots of Customization settings to get you easily started. If you don’t like the default ‘Stacked’ layout, you can even switch to the ‘Inline’ one. You can modify anything you want from Form Fields to Message Styles. That’s how amazing it is, isn’t it?

MailChimp with WordPress

Expected Outcome

Thanks to Essential Addons, you can show off your creativity and build a unique form to get more subscribers. After tweaking with the settings, you will then get an expected outcome for the MailChimp Form you have just created.

MailChimp with WordPress

Final Thoughts

To sum up, we have already briefed on how MailChimp Form integration can be hugely influential for your entire business to grow. It’s almost impossible to take your business to the next level without a proper email marketing campaign in place. So, what are you waiting for? Why don’t you use EA MailChimp element of Essential Addons to get started & get more subscribers?

So, what do you think of this article? Let us know if you have any feedback in the Comments section.

Picture of Rafin


Computer Geek with Love for Arsenal Football Club. Bit of a Workaholic as well.

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