
How To Use Posts Carousel For WordPress To Feature Your Best Blog

Writing quality content is a must for every good Content Strategy. But there are many other things that make a Content Strategy effective. One of them is the placement of Blog Content. When you write and publish a new blog, it will sit at the top of your Blog Page. That should be enough to get it off the ground and start generating traffic. But as you publish new blogs after that, the older ones trickle down to the bottom of our Blog List.

How To Use Posts Carousel For WordPress To Feature Your Best Blog 1

As we keep doing this, the older blogs might stop getting new traffic. That’s not what you want, do you? A solution to this problem is placing Blog Content in an interactive way. For example, by using Posts Carousel for WordPress content you can break the old-new hierarchy. By shuffling your Old and New Blogs you can generate more traffic.

Why Use Posts Carousel For WordPress?

The way WordPress displays Blog Content is, it places new ones on top of the older ones. So this means there is a clear hierarchy underpinning the layout, if you scroll down you will find older blogs and if you scroll up you will see newer ones. Pretty neat right? Yes of course, if your only goal is to publish Blogs.

Many of your readers will land on your Blog Page and only skim through the ones they see on the top. They will not even bother digging deep into the Blog archive. But you don’t want that. Maybe you have several Ever-Green Blogs on your Website which are capable of generating traffic years after they were published, but with time they have sunk so deep into the Blog List, it has stopped generating traffic. Remember, Blogs will keep generating traffic despite how old they are, if only you place them in the right manner.

If you are already using Elementor for Content Creation for your Website, you are in luck. You are just one step away from creating the perfect Post Carousel for your Blogs. Essential Addons for Elementor, the most popular elements library for Elementor has the perfect Carousel element out there.

Watch The Video Tutorial

With EA Posts Carousel you can display Posts as well as Pages into a carousel format. Not only that, you can filter the content for the Carousel using Tags, Categories, and Authors.

Post Carousel

If that’s too much for you, you can hand-pick content for the Carousel. From the first option under the Query Tab, select Manual Selection as the Source. It will give you a drop-down, listing all the Blog Content on your Website. Select only the ones that you want for your Post Carousel.

After you have decided which Blog Content you want for your carousel, it’s time to pick an arrangement for them. Use the Order By and Order Drop-Downs to specify an Ascending or Descending order for the Carousel elements.

Design The Posts Carousel Yourself

Just a Carousel Layout isn’t enough, that’s why EA Post Carousel elements give you unlimited design options. And most exciting of which is, all of the designing can be done by adjusting some toggle bars and drop-downs. After you have picked the posts for your Carousel, it’s time to specify what elements you want to each of the Carousel Cards to host.

Post Carousel

You can see in the above screenshot, the Post Carousel includes three Cards which hosts three different posts. Each of the Cards has an image, a title, an excerpt, and meta. Now, you might be wondering how you can make these design changes yourself. Navigate to Content>Layout Settings and use the Toggle Bars to turn on/off the different elements of the cards.

Post Carousel

Don’t forget to set a Carousel Effect. You can go with the Cube, Fade, Slide, Flip, or Coverflow effect. If you are still feeling limited by the designing options, wait I haven’t told you about the Style Tab yet.

From the Style Tab, you can pick a Hover icon, Background color, and Hover Style. From the Color and Typography Tab you can adjust the Font Family, Font Size, alignment, Title Hover Color, Letter Spacing, and Line height for the Title, Excerpt, and Meta separately.

Post Carousel

After that its time to adjust the Navigation elements of the Carousel-Arrows and Dots. Your users can use both the Arrows and Dots to navigate across the Carousel. And luckily you can adjust the styling for both the Navigation elements separately. Take your time and adjust the Background Color, Border Radius, Padding for both the Normal and Hover state.

Wrapping Up!

After you are done creating the Post Carousel you have to decide where you are going to place the Post Carousel inside your Website. You can save it as a new Page titled “Most Popular Posts” under the Blog Menu. Or you can save the EA Post Carousel Element as a Global Widget and use it as the Footer across your Website. To do that, you need to first click on the Edit Section Button (The Pencil Icon at the Upper Right part of your section) and hit the “Save As A Global” option.

Picture of Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya is CMO at WPDeveloper. She is helping the company to create a dynamic team and sustainable business from the scratch. When she is offline from the digital world, she must be traveling to find natural beauty in remote places.

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