
The Smart Solution to Twitter Marketing

When you are using Twitter for marketing you should know that, the Twitter Card style is fixed. You cannot play around with its style to complement your content.  The twitter team creates generalized Twitter Cards which are available to everyone from large companies to small bakery e-stores.

So what are the factors you can manipulate to achieve your desired marketing results? Generally you are the one who decides what goes into the Twitter Cards. The title, excerpt, graphic, content attributes are the things you get to pick. You have to also bring down the time required to create Twitter Cards for new posts. In this case you also need effective automation.

Twitter Meta Tags, Twitter Cards Meta, Twitter Marketing, The Smart Solution to Twitter Marketing-Twitter Cards Meta

Twitter Cards Meta

A WordPress Plugin for Twitter

Twitter Cards Meta is a WordPress plugin which not only lets you setup a Default Twitter Card type but also let you use different Card Types for separate Posts. And you will always have a Twitter Card Preview under every WordPress blog. 

As you cannot change or create a new Twitter Card layout, the things that you can do to contribute to a good Twitter Marketing result include the following-

  • 1) Automation in creating Twitter Cards for new posts.
  • 2) Including the proper content attributes.
  • 3) Flexible Image source Options
  • 4) Site-Wide and Per-Post Twitter Card Setup  Option

Whenever you create a new post, Twitter Cards Meta will fetch the information automatically and create your default Card type. Secondly you get to choose your Website’s main Twitter Account and also the Twitter account of the author. 
Furthermore you get four image source options. 

  • Feature Image
  • First Image on the post
  • Custom field 
  • Default Image


You can also attach twitter Meta tags to your homepage. You don”t have to do it manually though. Just tell the plugin by checking a box and writing a description on a specified field, and you are all good to go. 


Homepage Card

Add Twitter MetaTags to the Homepage of your WordPress Website

Content Attributes

Get more Twitter followers by using proper content Attributes.


3 Image Source options. Feature Image, First image, Default image

Twitter Card

You can select a Card Type for Site-Wide use or Per-Post Basis.

What are the Cards You Get With this Plugin

The Smart Solution to Twitter Marketing 1
Summary Card with Large Image-Available as Addon

Includes-A Title, description, a large image, and Twitter Attributes

The Smart Solution to Twitter Marketing 2
App Card-Coming soon

 Suitable for mobile applications with download option included along with Title, description, Icon, Ratings and Price.  

The Smart Solution to Twitter Marketing 3
Summary Card-Free

Includes-A Title, description, a thumbnail image, and Twitter Attributes

The Smart Solution to Twitter Marketing 4
Image Card-Coming soon

Title, Description, Live video or music, Twitter Attributes

Why Use Twitter Card Meta over Manual Coding

The Smart Solution to Twitter Marketing

Twitter has rich documentation on how to add Twitter Cards. You can simply write a few lines of HTML Meta Tags to create your card. However, this process is time consuming and can get boring over time, unless you prefer doing it. You can use Twitter Cards Meta plugin to automate the Twitter Cards creation. From your WordPress Dashboard configure the Default Card type you want and you are good to go.
You should also take into account when you have a heavy blogging website, dealing with hundreds of blogs monthly, or when you have freshly updated your documentation page and need to create Twitter Cards for each of the pages. You don’t want the burden of creating Twitter Cards slow you down.

A Nightmare for Non-Techs

Twitter Meta Tags, Twitter Cards Meta, Twitter Marketing, Twitter Cards, Twitter Meta Tags, Twitter Cards Meta, Twitter Marketing, The Smart Solution to Twitter Marketing-Twitter Cards Meta

Steps for Configuring Twitter Cards Meta

The steps involved in configuring the Twitter Card Meta 

Inserting Images

You can edit all the posts separately. On the other hand you can setup a default card type and enjoy automation. You can select either of the three options for image sourcing- Feature image,First image or Default image. You can do it from the Twitter card settings option from the admin bar. The default Image options is for advanced users. This is a very good option when you are running a campaign with a single slogan and graphic.  

Content Attribute Settings at One Place

If your content is tweeted using a Twitter Account say- @John, chances are people will follow that account thinking they are somehow involved with your website.  You can go to dashboard of Twitter Cards Meta and link your Website’s Main twitter account. Moreover you can have the Author’s Twitter Account included in the card as well.

Are You Using Yoast Seo for Your Twitter Marketing?

Yoast SEO is a great plugin. But it can get a bit confusing when your main purpose of using the plugin is for Twitter marketing. The initial setup stage is the most frightening. 

First you have to take additional steps to reach the Twitter Meta Card options. Once you have opened your WordPress Dashboard go to SEO and look for social option. If you don’t see it there you have to check if the Advanced Setting Pages is enabled. Which is quite a mandatory step for new users. As when you install the plugin for the first time, the Advanced Setting Pages is disabled by default.

For that you have to come back to the SEO and open it. Toggle between options and find the Advanced Setting Pages and enable it. Then come back and you will see a Social options. In that option you will have Twitter. 

Once you have finally made your way through to the Twitter Card configuration option, you will not find enough reasons to be happy. After so many navigation steps you will see only two configuration options. First being a toggle button for Enabling or Disabling the Twitter Meta addition. And the second option is for choosing the card type you want as default

One Time setup

Twitter Meta Tags, Twitter Cards Meta, Twitter Marketing, The Smart Solution to Twitter Marketing-Twitter Cards Meta

Your readers need to do the least-click the share button. On the other hand, you are the one who needs to do the bulk of the task. But it is also annoying if every now and then you have to insert new information for new posts and check if your plugin is working fine. With Twitter Cards Meta you can enjoy a one time setup and rela

You Will Love this Plugin.

Every page ready for Social sharing has a special code written in it- Twitter Meta Tag. It tells the system what kind of Card this page is set to and what are the information that will go into it. Twitter Cards Meta is the easiest way to add these Tags to your content. You don’t need to bother about what goes in the background. Twitter Cards Meta will do the messy work for you while you sit back and relax.

Please let us know if you want to know more about this plugin in the comments section. We would love to answer your questions.

Picture of Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya is CMO at WPDeveloper. She is helping the company to create a dynamic team and sustainable business from the scratch. When she is offline from the digital world, she must be traveling to find natural beauty in remote places.

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