How To Create Modern WordPress Blog Page Using Elementor [2023]

The design of the WordPress blog page plays an important role in the success of bloggers. If you can display your blog posts beautifully, it will influence your readers to come back again. And most importantly, a modern blog page design will help you to show the posts in a way that your specific audience would appreciate.

How To Create Modern WordPress Blog Page Using Elementor [2020]

Why Do You Need A Modern WordPress Blog Page

In general, WordPress Blog Page designs are pretty simple. But the homepage for a blogging site is important and pretty different from others. It has the potential to be the most important page on a website and have the most engagement.

A traditional WordPress Blog Page presents your blogs in descending order. This means the newest blogs on your site will appear first. This is a very good thing, as a reader can instantly see what new blogs you have on your website. This also helps your new blogs get a boost in view count. That’s the whole point of writing, getting views is the greatest reward for a writer.

But your newest blogs being shown at the top of your blog is only one side of the coin. On the other side of the coin, you have your old blogs being at the bottom. And this is bad for your old blogs. Unless your readers have a favorite blog on your site, they won’t even find what your old blogs were.

Maybe your readers are looking for content on a specific topic, you might already have published content on that topic, but chances are your readers will not know about that blog because it’s been buried under all the new blogs that came after that one.

You can always create a content timeline, but it is not built to accommodate many blogs as well as allowing users to filter its content. Your readers can always filter your blogs using search strings, tags, and categories but not everyone will be willing to make that effort. This poses a great issue for you.

The purpose of writing is to stay evergreen. But if your blogs get buried so easily, that kills your effort. You didn’t write a blog that will get buried only after a few months. This is why a stunning WordPress Blog Page is so important. Having a stylish WordPress blog page means it can continue to drive traffic to your old blogs as well as new ones. Let us take a look at the homepage of the popular news portal The Verge.

How To Create Modern WordPress Blog Page Using Elementor [2023] 1

A modern WordPress Blog Page includes all modern elements of a blog page. The most important of which is a blog grid that lets you display both old and new blogs side by side. This means even if a blog is old you can place it on the landing page. This practice has a lot of benefits. The most obvious of all is that you can ensure your old blogs are getting views.

But a modern blog landing page doesn’t only solve the problem of old blogs getting buried. It also gives you the chance to highlight certain blogs.

How can Essential Addons for Elementor Smart Post List Help?

EA Smart Post List is a post element that lets you place blog posts inside a nice filterable grid. It is the ideal solution for heavy blogging sites. Moreover, this element lets you create a grid-based on tags and categories, which helps users to filter the blogs. This is also a great method to limit the display of blogs to certain categories or even authors.


Getting Started with EA Smart Post List

This element comes with the most popular addon library for Elementor, Essential Addon. To use this element first find the ‘EA Smart Post List‘ element from the Search option under the ‘ELEMENTS‘ tab. From there drag & drop the ‘EA Smart Post List’ into the ‘Drag widget here‘ or the ‘+’ section.

From the ‘Query’ section you can pick a source for the element. As we want to display blogs, select posts as the source. Afterward, you can specify an author, categories as well as tags to filter the posts. Then you can also specify if you want to exclude any blog from the list.

How To Create Modern WordPress Blog Page Using Elementor [2023] 2

From the layout section, you can adjust the layout of the grid. You can disable or enable the top bar of the element using a simple toggle bar. Moreover, you can also choose to display the ‘Featured Post’, ‘Category Filter’ & ‘Navigation’ features using simple toggle bars.

How To Create Modern WordPress Blog Page Using Elementor [2023] 3

With EA Smart Post List you can place a popular blog inside a “Featured Post” box. This blog highlights a blog of your choice. You can change its height & width from the “Featured Post Settings” settings. You can use simple toggle bars to turn on/off the  Meta, Title, or Excerpt of your blog post. And from the “List Post Settings” section you can choose the number of columns you want for the grid.

How To Create Modern WordPress Blog Page Using Elementor [2023] 4

Once you are adjusting the layout for the EA Smart Post element you can move on to adding styling to it. And needless to say, it is fully customizable. You can add styling to the Top bar’, ‘Navigation’, ‘Featured Post’ & ‘List’ sections as well. You can also adjust the color and typography of ‘Title’ & ‘Category Filter. If you need any further assistance you can read step by step guideline or feel free to reach our support for help.

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