
How To Create a Downloadable File With WordPress To Boost Conversion

Are you reading this blog because you want to learn How to Create a Downloadable file on your WordPress site? WordPress lets you easily insert Media Files on your Website. In addition to uploading and displaying images, image galleries, and embedding rich media from popular websites, you can also upload documents, audio, video, and other files to your media library. Moreover, you can create downloadable links of these files inside any Web page or post on your Website.

file downloable wordpress

In order to place a download link, you must insert your cursor in place in the page where you want it to appear.  You can add these links inline with your text, or you can place your cursor on a blank line if you want the link to appear by itself.

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How to Create a Download Link on your Website- From Old Classic Editor

In case you are still using the old Classic Editor, simply follow the steps mentioned below to insert a downloadable file on your Website.

  • Open your WordPress Dashboard, Create a new post.
  • Upload a file via the “Add Media” option. You can upload the file you want to use from your computer by dragging it into the upload area indicated by the dashed border to the left or select a previously uploaded file from the media library by clicking on it. – You will see your selection confirmed at the top of the media uploader interface.
  • Under the “Attachment Details” section you will see you File’s link. Copy that link.

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  • Now you can add the File link to any text. To do that first, highlight the text string and Press Ctrl+K.

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And that should be it. Now, every time anyone clicks on the link you just created, they will be taken to a new Browser window. They can read the file from inside the Browser window or download it.

How to Create a Download Link on your Website- From Gutenberg Editor

The steps for inserting a Downloadable File via the Gutenberg Editor is quite similar to that of the Classic Editor.

  • Open your WordPress Dashboard and create a new post. Once you are inside the Gutenberg Editor, search for the block “File“.

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  • Simply upload your document or pick one from your Media Library. You can upload the file you want to use from your computer by dragging it into the upload area indicated by the dashed border to the left or select a previously uploaded file from the media library by clicking on it. – You will see your selection confirmed at the top of the media uploader interface.

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  • After the upload is complete, you should see a Download Button appear beside the file name.

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Wrapping Up!

There you go, now you know how to insert downloadable files on your WordPress Dashboard via both the WordPress Classic Editor and Gutenberg Editor. In the meantime here is a quick blog to enhance your WordPress skills- How to Create Reusable Blocks in WordPress Gutenberg Editor. Reusable Blocks have two primary benefits. Firstly, it saves you a lot of time. And secondly, any changes you bring to the original copy of the block will be updated on every other Web page it has been used inside.

Not only can you use Reusable Blocks on your Website over and over again, you can also use them across multiple Websites. You might have multiple WordPress Websites. And for very obvious reasons, you might want to use the same Block on a different website that you have created on another one. To do so you have to export the Gutenberg Reusable Block. And once you import the Block to a new WordPress Website, it will be saved as a Gutenberg Reusable Block.

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Picture of Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya is CMO at WPDeveloper. She is helping the company to create a dynamic team and sustainable business from the scratch. When she is offline from the digital world, she must be traveling to find natural beauty in remote places.

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