
How To Hide Your Existing Page From Certain Users in Elementor

The styling and layout of a web page is a very sensitive aspect of it. No one should meddle with the styling even if they are using Elementor. Once your designer has handed you with the fresh new Web page, any little change you make to the layout can completely destroy the Page Responsiveness across different devices. You might see everything looks good on the Desktop view as you are making the changes, but it might look near to a complete disaster on a Mobile device.


What is the User Role in Elementor?

There are two types of Role Manager feature that comes with Elementor, one with the Free version and the other with the PRO version. In the Free version, you can restrict users from launching the Elementor Editor. However with the PRO version of Elementor, you can, of course, restrict users from using the Elementor Editor, but you can also restrict them from changing the layout and styling of the Web Page. Users can add content, remove existing content, add images but not alter the layout arrangement. Moreover, users will also not be able to add new elements inside the Layout or remove an existing one.

How to Set User Role Restrictions?

To use this feature navigate to Elementor>Role Manager. There you will see a list of all the users on your Website and two permission options.

  • No access to the editor – This restricts the user altogether from entering the Elementor editor.
  • Access to edit content only – This lets the user change the content and not the style or layout.

How To Hide Your Existing Page From Certain Users in Elementor 1

Wrapping Up!

In conclusion, we want you to understand this, restricting Users Roles does not mean they will be unable to launch the Elementor Editor. In WordPress, we have the option of letting certain users use a Plugin and restricting users from using certain ones. This feature is really helpful when you have a wide variety of Plugins installed on your WordPress Website. For example, your marketing team might need access to Google Analytics, whereas your Content Team might not necessarily need access to Google Analytics. However, with Elementor you don’t want to deprive your users of using this amazing plugin. Elementor gives non-tech-savvy people the opportunity of creating top-notch Web-pages. Regardless of how efficient it might be, you can’t afford anyone destroying your Web page styling. And this is where the Elementor Role Manager comes handy. By now you should know how to use this feature. So what are you waiting for? Start playing around with it and do let us know how useful you find this feature.

Picture of Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya is CMO at WPDeveloper. She is helping the company to create a dynamic team and sustainable business from the scratch. When she is offline from the digital world, she must be traveling to find natural beauty in remote places.

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