Free Tools To Scan WordPress For Vulnerabilities

There are several online scanners available to detect common web vulnerabilities, however, this may not be enough because a security risk can originate from a WordPress core, plugin, theme, or configuration issues. As a result, before doing anything, it is always important to scan WordPress loopholes for security and check for site vulnerabilities. You can at least be aware of these breaches and, more importantly, how to prevent your site from being hacked by using these WordPress online vulnerability scanners.

Scan WordPress

Why Should You Scan WordPress Site On A Daily Basis

To keep hackers at bay, website owners must be proactive in reviewing and updating security measures on a regular basis. Scanning WordPress for vulnerabilities is a crucial and simple step in your security checklist. 

👉Your WordPress website might carry sensitive personal information provided by users. They trust you to keep this information out of the wrong hands. 

👉Unauthorized users of your website may be draining your bandwidth without your knowledge.

👉Routine scans can detect some security problems upfront and help keep your site safe from hackers.

Scan WordPress

Proper Way To Scan WordPress Site For Malfunctions

A basic vulnerability scan for your WordPress website is neither difficult nor expensive. But, like with most things in life, you have choices. There are two basic approaches for checking WordPress for vulnerabilities.

Remote scanners are software that can perform a baseline check and identify a variety of security issues. They serve as a fast check in your security routine. Most scanners work in the same way: simply input the URL of your website into their webpage. Your website will be scanned in a few seconds, and a report will be created.

When you install a plugin, it connects to the server in the cloud platform and does a much deeper examination. A plugin allows you to configure scanning rules, automation, and full scans that delve into your database to assure security.

Top 10 Free Tools To Scan WordPress Site

In the following section, we have listed some of the best tools to scan WordPress sites for any kind of malware or spam. 

1. WPSec

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WPSec is a fantastic online tool for scanning your WordPress vulnerabilities. It also tries to identify the plugins you use and compares their versions to the bug database. However, WPSec checks for various well-known problems that individuals make while setting up their WordPress installation, which is a good place to start (one of the many WordPress online scanners). WPSec is a very lightweight tool to scan WordPress website without any lag or technical issues.

2. Malcare Security Plugin

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MalCare Security Plugin is a completely free cloud-based scanning plugin. This high-tech WordPress site scanner examines all of your files as well as your complete database in order to detect even the most intricate threats. And, most of all, because it can scan WordPress websites for vulnerabilities on MalCare’s own cloud servers, it won’t slow down your site.

3. Sucuri SiteCheck

Scan WordPress

Sucuri SiteCheck is one of the main anti-malware services for WordPress; they rose to prominence years ago and are now a part of Godaddy.

They provide a free WordPress security scan WordPress website that allows you to verify your WP installation for any troubles like malware attacks, blacklisting, outdated software, or general website flaws.

4. WordPress Security Scan

Scan WordPress

WordPress Security Scan also is available in two versions, free basic and premium advanced. It performs checks by making frequent web requests to a variety of pages and analyzing the HTML code

A scan will discover obvious WordPress security weaknesses and offer security-related configuration changes that can increase protection against future breaches.

5. Quttera Web Malware Scanner

Scan WordPress

Quttera Web Malware Scanner scans your website for suspicious scripts, harmful material, and potential threats and notifies you if you are on any blacklists. Quttera’s external servers scan WordPress websites for data. 

Following the conclusion of a scan, you will receive a thorough investigative report with recommendations for corrective action. These reports are categorized as Clean, Potentially Suspicious, Suspicious, and Malicious and can be viewed by the general public.

6. First Site Guide

Scan WordPress

The First Site Guide scanner works similarly to other scanners in that you enter your site URL and press the Scan button. It decides whether information such as WordPress version, usernames, or unsuccessful login attempts can be detected. 

It also controls if the readme.html, install.php, and upgrade.php files are HTTP-accessible, as well as whether the uploads folder is sharable.

7. Wordfence Security – Firewall & Malware Scan

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Wordfence Security is a comprehensive security plugin that checks your website for anything WordPress-related, including source code and image files. If you activate the option, it will also check files that are not linked to WordPress. Its Threat Defense Feed is regularly updated, and scanners exploit it to detect suspect applications.


Scan WordPress

wpRecon is a free tool that examines your website for Google safe browsing, active plugins, theme, user enumeration, directory indexing, Google malware scan, external link, linked iFrame, and connected JS files. This is an excellent online scanner for detecting WordPress vulnerabilities.

9. Google Safe Browsing

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Google search is the site that we all want to be on page one of. What better approach to improve your website’s security than to examine it using Google Safe Browsing? A must-have tool for free online vulnerability scanning of WordPress.

Unlike everyone else, if you wish to directly verify your site on Google Safe Browsing without relying on any other third-party scanners, you can do so using this tool.

10. VirusTotal 

Scan WordPress

Instead of sending your website’s URL through numerous scanners, you can submit it to Virus Total Scanner. It collects diagnostic data from numerous analyzers, including Avira, Comodo, Sucuri, and Qettera.

The advantage of using this system is that false positives from scanners can be detected more readily. When you run the URL through multiple scanners, you’ll see whether any innocent resources are being incorrectly labeled as malware. The scanner is not limited to WordPress and can be used on any type of website. 

Bonus: Best WordPress Anti-Spam Plugins To Protect Your Website

If you own a WordPress website or many sites to manage your online company, then the WordPress anti-spam plugin is a must-have. This can assist you in managing your site security in advance by filtering any form of spam comments, links, and so on.

Scan WordPress

In this blog, you will get a comprehensive list of the top 5 best WordPress anti-spam plugins to protect your website. This list will assist you in comparing and selecting the best one for your WordPress site. Stop spam as well to secure your site’s security ahead of time.

This is all from us for today. If you want to learn more about all things WordPress then subscribe to our blogs and join our Facebook Community for more exciting updates. 

Picture of Razthee Md. Yakini

Razthee Md. Yakini

Razthee Md. Yakini loves to write and read anything no matter the topic. He has a passion for becoming a content creator on WordPress. Razthee is a CSE graduate from United International University. His hobby is playing multiplayer games, reading horror sci-fi books, and watching gangster movies.

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