
Beginners Guide: How To Install WordPress On Localhost – Step by Step [2023]

Having a live Website is a great thing. But not knowing how to operate one runs the risk of publishing unnecessary posts on the website that will only make you feel awkward later. The primary purpose of having a local site is to test different plugins and themes. However, install a WordPress on localhost can be equally suitable to familiarize yourself with the workings of a WordPress Website’s Back-End.

Moreover, in case you are wanting to launch a WordPress Blogging Website, you don’t want to make a fool out of yourself in front of your readers by accidentally posting draft blogs, do you? Although publishing a blog takes a single button click, it’s important for you to know which button that is.

WordPress Locally

How to Install WordPress On Localhost

You should learn how to use WordPress on your Computer first before you take it live. And the steps are very simple. In this blog, we are going to teach you how you can set up a local WordPress Website on your PC. All the steps are given in sequential order.

There are about 2 steps. First, we get Local By Flywheel, we install it. We are using Local By Flywheel because, in case you ever consider moving your Website to a live server, the transition is going to be very smooth. Moreover, Local By Flywheel comes with One-click WordPress installations, letting you set up your local sites fast. Also, it gives you easy access to your local sites’ root files, via Secure Shell (SSH) access

Get Local By Flywheel

Local By Flywheel is a development tool for WordPress sites. This fully-featured tool contains everything you’ll need to set up and use local sites. First thing you need to do for creating a local WordPress Website is to download and install Local By Flywheel.

Beginners Guide: How To Install WordPress On Localhost - Step by Step [2023] 1

Once the installation is complete, you should arrive at the Local By Flywheel Dashboard.

Beginners Guide: How To Install WordPress On Localhost - Step by Step [2023] 2

To create a new WordPress Website, select Create a New Site in your Local by Local By Flywheel dashboard.

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Once you’ve entered a name for your site, you can continue to the next screen. Here, you have two options. You can choose Preferred to set up your local site using a recommended set of tools, or select Custom to configure your environment. The Preferred option works well for most beginner users so we will be going with it.

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Setup WordPress

Now we move on to the next step which is setting up WordPress. On this screen, you’ll create a WordPress username, a secure password, and an admin email address.

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After a few moments, you’ll see your new site listed in the dashboard, along with all of its information. And that should be it. Hit the Admin button to open your WordPress Website and get to work! Start off by creating the basic WordPress Web-Pages.

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Wrapping Up!

Now, if after a few days of working with Local By Flywheel you decide to take your website live, it will be a matter of a few button clicks. First, log into your account through the Local By Flywheel dashboard, all of your local and live sites will be listed in your Local By Flywheel dashboard. From there all you need to do is select the website that you want to take live and a few button clicks.

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