
Twitter Product Card [Addon]

Twitter Product Card-Banner

What is ‘Twitter Product Card’

Twitter Product Card showcase your product perfectly in Twitter. If you sell retail item in your site or just show case any type of products, this is the Card you must have. This special Card type is designed to showcase your products with an image, a brief description with two other key details about your product.

Read details in Twitter Official site, You could select the Levels from Option page and could control per post basis as well! But you must have free Twitter Cards Meta already installed, this is an addon.

Why you must have this Addons?

WordPress has eveloped a lot in last 10 years, its not just a blogging platform any more. If you are selling something from your WordPress site or showcasing anything from your site, Twitter created a special Card type for you. With this super handy and useful  Twitter Product Card [Addon] now you could present your brand and product in a very special way, and will get amazing response from your audience.

Twitter Product Card [Addon]

Tweet Link as Product Card!

Try Your self:

[Tweet “Check how wonderful Twitter Product Card looks”]

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[purchase_link id=”452″ text=”Add to Cart” style=”button” color=”white”]

What Our User Saying?

Read what others saying about Product Card

Why Twitter’s Product Cards Are Essential to Your E-Commerce Store By WeMakeWebsites.com

It looks like Twitter Product Cards are just the first step towards enabling users to buy directly on Twitter which could be an excellent extra source of income for savvy retailers.

How does it look?

Twitter Product Card [Addon]

Installation & Setup

# You must have main plugin Free version of ‘Twitter Cards Meta‘ already installed.

# After purchase, download the zip file.

# Go to the WordPress Dashboard “Add New Plugin” section.

# Click ‘Upload Plugin’ from top.

# Locate the downloaded zip file and complete the upload and click to activate the plugin.

# After you install the addon, head over to our “Twitter Cards Meta” option menu, you will see ‘Product Card‘ is now available to select.

# Now whenever you are in post or page edit screen, you will get the meta box in sidebar to choose Twitter Cards type. And Select the Data for Level you want user to show.

# Head over to the Twitter Card Validator Page, input an url of your site which you configured as “Product Card”. If it Validates, you have to request for whitelisting it. Yes, if it seems weird, Twitter require you to whitelist each and every Card type separately.

# Now next time, when you publish a new content and share in Twitter as link, you will get “Product Card“. Enjoy!

Video Demo: How You Use Any Twiiter Cards Meta Addon!




Does it need any theme customization or anything?

No, just activate the plugin and follow the steps.

Image dimension?

Product Card will use square image. If you provide any other size image, it will be cropped. (From Twitter Cards guideline page).

Do you have more detail guideline?

Yes, check this page for detail guide.

How can I get Support?

Contact support here, special support page for paid user only.



1. Live Example Of Product Card
Twitter Product Card [Addon]

2. Example Image
Twitter Product Card [Addon] 1


Buy Now

[purchase_link id=”452″ text=”Add to Cart” style=”button” color=”white”]

Why its not free?

We released Twitter Cards Meta about a year ago. It got good response from the community, and most used Twitter Cards plugin in WordPress.org. Later Twitter released 5 more different types of card. But other card types are little complex then Summary or Photo Card. And at the end of 2014, Twitter changed their meta structure, and to be 100% Validated in W3C Markup Service, we had to restructure the core plugin. I personally lead the development phase all alone. But as my life changed dramatically after I became dad for the first time, I hardly had the time. But the continuous and steady growth of the plugin inspired me to spend more time in this plugin. So, I start working on addons which will add other Card support. To sustain the development and my time, I had to make it premium, but to make it accessible for all I made it very cheap, and affordable, priced just $24.97 USD, so you could get the benefit of Summary Card With Large Image and I could sustain the development and my time.

– Notes from M Asif Rahman

More about M Asif Rahman, at – Asif.im

Twitter Cards Meta – Setup Service

Do you need help in setting up Twitter Cards Meta? Now we could help you Install, setup, file for card validation to Twitter, setup addon or help you fix any issue related to Twitter Card. We have a team of Avenger! Click here!

Picture of M Asif Rahman

M Asif Rahman

Founder of WPDeveloper, and Lead Contributor. In love with WordPress since 2004.

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