
Just Released WP Review Schema

Here comes WP Review Schema

Do you review anything in your WordPress site? Now your Google Search result could look like this


This plugin provide full support for Review Schema. Its free just give it a try and see the increase of Click Through Rate (CRT) massive improvement from Google Search.

Free version is now available at WordPress.org, take a look – https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-review-schema/

PRO Version is available with more Features, Premium support.

Pro Features:

  • Change Default Setting
  • Apply Review Schema on existing post
  • Apply setting by default on all old post.
  • Ability to add default review rating.

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Take care until next time.

Picture of M Asif Rahman

M Asif Rahman

Founder of WPDeveloper, and Lead Contributor. In love with WordPress since 2004.

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