Ultimate Remote Hiring Guide Using easy.jobs

Remote employees have risen in number over the past few years, and this #COVID19 situation forced us all to work remotely from home. Along with full remote work, employees around the world are said to have worked remotely on special occasions. This trend is further consolidated by employers, they are now open for remote hiring.

As found from a study from OwlLabs, a firm that specializes in keeping an eye on the global state of remote work, according to them almost 56% of all global companies offer remote work.

Ultimate Guide To Remote Hiring & Managing Employees Remotely Using easy.jobs

What is Remote Work

If you didn’t spend the first three months of 2020 in an underground bunker, you have no reason to be unaware of the COVID-19 breakout. COVID-19 or in other words CoronaVirus, has taken over the world. Along with Coronavirus, there is another term that you might have heard about- Social Distancing. Social Distancing is now being strongly advised by medical experts as well as global leaders.

Ultimate Guide To Remote Hiring

It is now considered as the primary weapon in order to curb the spread of Coronavirus. Many countries have already gone into lockdown.

Although Social Distancing might be a new term for many of us, it is not a new concept for many. Many professionals have been practicing this concept voluntarily as it gives them the chance to travel the world and take their work with them while they travel.

Why and How Do Remote Employees Work?

The whole concept of remote work is to hire someone who will work from his home but will not compromise the quality of the work. The reason why Remote Work is so popular is it has been proven that remote workers can also execute tasks successfully as well as meet deadlines.

But why do people choose to work remotely? Many choose remote work over office work from a designated desk, for reasons other than traveling the world. Some do it in order to enjoy both their personal and professional life. Students do it who aspire to pursue higher studies. Parents pick it so that they can spend more time with their kids.

Moreover, most desk jobs come with some sort of restrictions. Most creative workers like designers, and content creators face writer’s block. And this can be easily dealt with if they have the freedom of when to work. That way they can focus more on the production value of their final work. They should work only when they have some creative ideas.

There is no formula for creating the next big movie, writing the next breakthrough novel, or also finding solutions to a managerial problem.  As remote employees can create their own schedule, they can easily accommodate other family responsibilities such as taking their grandparents to the doctor, visiting their parents, socializing, learning a new skill, and so on.

Outsourcing VS Remote Hiring

Let’s clear out one thing, Outsourcing and Remote Hiring are not the same things. Outsourcing is rather temporary work that you might not encounter very often. This means you don’t need to permanently hire someone and keep them on your payroll.

On the other hand, remote work refers to hiring someone who lives far away from you, often in a different country. Although remote, he/she needs to be treated as a permanent employee in your company. Remote workers will enjoy the same benefits as your other permanent workers.

However, you can also have temporary remote employees. You might need someone to complete a task or project for you. And when it’s done you might not need their service any longer. In that case, you need remote hiring.

Recent Trends in Hiring Globally

The point that you are reading this blog means you have noticed the remote working trend on the internet. At this point, you might be wondering how safe is hiring someone for remote work, and who else is doing it. The answer to that is a lot.

Big companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon all have separate policies for remote workers. In fact, almost half of all US Companies (45% of all US Companies) offer remote work options to their employees.

According to a recent study conducted by the Royal Society for Public Health in the UK, it was found that remote employees are 55% less stressed with their work life. Just imagine how less your grievance department will be under.

Introducing easy.jobs 

If you are an employer who wants remote hiring, you need to have the proper tools to make the entire process smooth and effective. Needless to say, you need an advanced online solution to manage recruitment. You need complete software that can post your jobs online, receive applications, move applicants across your hiring steps, and finally handle the whole recruitment process.

Ultimate Guide for Hiring & Managing Employees Remotely Using easy.jobs

If you have been searching for such a tool, look no further. We have launched easy.jobs, the complete Hiring Management solution. You can use this platform to hire permanent, temporary, contractual, and of course remote workers.

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Easy.jobs Features

easy.jobs does not only let you make recruitments, but it also gives you advanced features to hire the right candidate for your company.

Ultimate Guide for Hiring & Managing Employees Remotely Using easy.jobs

Application Screening

This platform lets you hire the right talent. If you are using easy.jobs you don’t have to blindly trust what candidates add on their resumes. easy.jobs come with a test feature, using this you can create your own test as a solid screening measure. Along with creating a simple MCQ quiz set, you can also create a longer descriptive question set.

Ultimate Guide for Hiring & Managing Employees Remotely Using easy.jobs

Communicate with Candidate 

Even if you are convinced of a candidate, you need to talk to him first before making a final decision. And talking to a person in person reveals more than his/her resume.

Don’t worry, easy.jobs come with built-in communication features. You can open a direct message with applicants. Moreover, you can create a video conference window with Google Meet or Zoom and share the window code using easy.jobs’s built-in messaging system, which you could efficiently use for remote hiring the perfect candidate.

Ultimate Guide for Hiring & Managing Employees Remotely Using easy.jobs

Manage Recruitment Steps

Every recruitment begins with drafting the job description and other associated benefits. The next step that follows is receiving applications, screening them, and so on.

After a candidate has posted his application he/she wants to know what are the next steps. If you are using easy.jobs you can easily create your recruitment layers i.e. application open, receiving application, screening, an invitation for an over-the-phone interview, and so on. Here at easy.jobs we call it the Pipeline, it refers to your formal recruitment process, including all its steps.

You can add as many pipeline steps as you want to get the correct workflow. You can simply save the Pipeline templates and use them for other job posts as well. You can even modify the pipeline steps and save it for another recruitment too.

Build Your Company Profile and Remote Hiring Employees

easy.jobs can help you build your own first job reservoir. Once you sign up with easy.jobs you can create an account for your company. It will list all your job openings. This way potential candidates who dream about working in your company can keep track of new job positions in your company.

Ultimate Guide for Hiring & Managing Employees Remotely Using easy.jobs

Team Collaboration?

While making a hire, along with communicating with your potential candidates you also need to inform your supervisor about your progress. Your supervisor might want to know how many people have applied to the job, and how many have the required skills.

If that’s the case for you, you don’t need to prepare a report daily, just open an account for your supervisor and assign him a role. That way, your supervisor can see the progress of the hire yourself.

Ultimate Guide for Hiring & Managing Employees Remotely Using easy.jobs

Integrate with WordPress plugin

Instead of relying only on social share to get attention, you can also display details about your job opening on your WordPress website. The entire process of it is very straightforward. Create as many job openings as you currently have for your company, and install the Free WordPress plugin for easy.jobs, connect your easy.jobs account with the WordPress Plugin. 

Ultimate Guide for Hiring & Managing Employees Remotely Using easy.jobs


Final Remarks

So there you go, you now know how to manage your recruits online. easy.jobs is pretty straightforward and comes with a friendly interface. You should not have any major issues in learning how to use this modern and advanced recruitment solution. You can now use easy.jobs for remote hiring, contractual employees as well as permanent employees.

Bonus Offer to Fight Corona

Easy.jobs comes with both Free and Premium plans. Its premium plans are very affordable. The least expensive pricing of other online recruitment solutions other than easy.jobs start at $50-$90 months. But easy.jobs give affordable pricing for everyone that ranges from $10-$100/month. And if you intend on using easy.jobs for your startup, we have good news for you. We currently have Premium plans for Startups which start at only $9.99/month. Not only that, but we are also glad to inform you, it will be FREE throughout the entire 2020. So what are you waiting for get started now and sign-up with easy.jobs.

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