
How To Display Twitter Feed Using Elementor To Improve Engagement Rates

You don’t always publish announcement blogs every time you take a business decision. At days you make multiple small decisions that might have a significant impact on your business and probably you just share the update with a quick tweet. In order to keep your website visitor updated about your social share, you need to learn how to embed Twitter Feed using Elementor.

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You might be reading this blog right now because you have visited a website recently that had a Twitter feed displayed on its Footer or Side Panel. So now you want one for your website as well. Fair enough! But shouldn’t you learn the advantages of adding a Twitter Feed on your website first?

Why Embed Twitter Feed On Website?

What would happen if you connected your WordPress website with your Twitter Feed? If you had these two connected, your visitors could travel back and forth between your business Website and your Twitter account. Moreover, if you have your Twitter feed displayed on your website, your visitors will always have access to the microblogs you are sending out as they are surfing your website.

Given that you have vacant space on your Website and also you have a wide array of elements that you can pick from, what would you rather pick- Twitter Feed or some other non-dynamic element? We’re using the term Dynamic because Twitter Feed shows only the very recent tweets. This means if one of your clients visits your website twice, separated by a 10-minute gap, they will not see the same Tweets in the feed. This does not require you to keep tweeting every minute. You can specify a Hashtag and the Twitter Feed will fetch tweets that have that particular Hashtag.

There are other subtle benefits of adding a Twitter Feed to your website. Here is a quick blog on the benefits of adding Twitter Feed and other Social Media elements to a WordPress Website.

Create a Twitter Feed Using Elementor

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Let’s assume, you are already using Elementor since you have come this far. To add Twitter Feed on your Website you need to add an Essential Addon For Elementor. It’s the most powerful Addon Library for Elementor.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to get the PRO version of this plugin to unlock the EA Twitter Feed element. You can get the plugin from here. If you need assistance in getting the Plugin, here is a quick documentation on how to Install The FREE Version.

Now that you have equipped your WordPress Website with the necessary plugins, let’s get down to business.

Add Twitter Feed to your Website

Open your WordPress Dashboard. Navigate to the Pages>>All Pages section. Select the page for which you want to include a Twitter Feed. Search for EA Twitter Feed from the Elementor Search box.

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Drag and drop the elements inside the Elementor Editor.

Account Settings

Provide the following information – Account Name, Hashtag Name, Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Click on the links highlighted in red to get your own keys.

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Let’s take a look at how the Twitter Feed looks once you have correctly inserted all the Account Setting Information.

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Layout Settings- You can adjust the layout style, column grid content length, and post limit.

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Card Settings- You will see 4 toggle options. Toggle between yes/no to display or hide Avatar, Date, Read More button and icon.

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So, now that you know how to use the EA Twitter Feed element, let’s put it into use. A great idea is to use the Twitter Feed elements alongside a Subscription block.

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To insert a  Subscribe block, head over to the Blocks Tab from the Elementor Template pop-up and selecting subscribe from the drop-down menu.

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Wrapping Up!

So here is the summary of how to embed Twitter Feed On Website using the Free version of Essential Addons For Elementor. Open the Elementor Editor interface and add EA Twitter Feed element to the page. And lastly, select a position for the Feed on your website. There you go, add Twitter Feed to a website in simple three steps and get more engaged with your visitors.

Bonus: Twitter Carousel (Pro)

If you are looking for something more advanced and modern looking, then you can consider the Twitter Feed Carousel element. It is available with the Pro version of Essential Add-ons for Elementor. It works just like the Twitter Feed element, but you get the additional advantage of fusing the Twitter Feed with sliding animation.

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Picture of Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya is CMO at WPDeveloper. She is helping the company to create a dynamic team and sustainable business from the scratch. When she is offline from the digital world, she must be traveling to find natural beauty in remote places.

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