Once your prospective buyers land on your product or service pricing page, you are only a few steps away from getting that conversion. This is why the pricing page must be effective and also consistent with the prior layers of your marketing funnel. Creating a Pricing Page You can pick from two widely used structures […]
The Smart Solution to Twitter Marketing
Twitter Cards Meta lets you manipulate the factors that are in your hand to achieve your desired marketing result with a One Time setup.
What Elements Do You Need to Build a Blog Homepage?
The best thing about Elementor is, you don’t require any knowledge on advanced HTML or CSS to operate the plugin. Anyone can learn to use this plugin over night. And that is why it is so popular among bloggers because it ensures their direct involvement in the designing process. The versatility of Elementor enables it […]
Create Amazing Content Timeline in WordPress Using Elementor
Content Timeline for Elementor lets you display your content in a vertical layout on your WordPress site. You have full control over which blogs you want to display and also build custom cards for the Timeline.
Things To Consider Before Diving Into Page Builders
Now, WordPress users are no longer limited to a set of templates, rather they have a chance to create unlimited template variations without having to write a single line of code. Thanks to WordPress Page Builders.
How To Add Custom Scripts To WordPress Header And Footer Through Customizer
We often need to inject some custom scripts to our WordPress websites. From Google Analytics code to custom tweaks, it’s really handy to have the ability to insert some scripts which lacks in WordPress. Though there is a way to add additional CSS, you can’t really add any scripts without editing theme or plugin. Using […]
Block Referral Spam Community Update & Analytify Tips!
I am just amazed by the Block Referral Spam community. In past one and half week, we got inputs from more then 50 users. Thanks to you all. We are stronger then ever. Lets fight this spam together.
Block Referral Spam
This plugins blocks the most number of Referral Spams. Now no more notice from Google and no more weird report in Google Analytics.
Twitter Gallery Card [Addon]
Twitter Gallery Card will enable you to showcase collection of photos within a tweet. If you site is image heavy, if you share lot of photos in your WordPress site, then this is must have plugin for you.