
Celebrating A Year of Spontaneous Growth: WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night 2022

For Team WPDeveloper, 2022 has been a year of incredible achievement and exponential growth. In a very short time, we now have 5 million+ happy users who are powering up WordPress websites with our products. To celebrate this grand success, we decided to host our annual WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night, with our entire team along with their family members. 

grand gala night 2022

This year’s WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night was hosted by more than 400 people. All team members from WPDeveloper were invited along with their families, and renowned leaders made special guest appearances from the ICT industry. In other words, the event was full of stars and happy faces, and the show’s main stars were our dedicated and hardworking team members. 

If you are curious to know where it happened, WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night event took place at Army Golf Club, Golf Garden, Dhaka, Bangladesh, on the evening of 24 September 2022. Excited to know more? To get a glimpse of this glittering night, read below!   

Exclusive Highlights From WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night 2022 

This year we have organized WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night so that all the guests could look inside at our office environment, benefits, and other exclusive facilities that WPDeveloper team members enjoy. 

The night started with event registration and bags full of surprise gifts being handed out to guests. Right afterward, the anchors and our teammates took the stage and officially announced the start of the program. 

Celebrating A Year of Spontaneous Growth: WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night 2022 1

The program officially began with a warm, welcoming speech from our Founder, M Asif Rahman. He expressed his gratitude to everyone who joined the program and announced the inauguration. 

Up to 50% Salary Adjustment for Rising Global Inflation & Price Hike

This year is also exceptional because of the money inflation crisis worldwide. To understand the impact of the price hikes on our team members’ lives, we surveyed and analyzed the situation individually for every team member. And guess what? WPDeveloper adjusted salaries and gave increments to all team members to help them to lead a healthy, good life in this global rising price hike. 

Our CEO Nazmul Hasan Rupok announced the big surprise of salary increment and explained how the company cares about the quality of life for the entire team. And guess what, it was the happiest moment for the whole team.

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Inauguration of  WPDeveloper’s New Tagline

WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night gave us a great opportunity when we could have all our beloved team members, their families, industry peers, and friends in one place. So we took advantage and revealed our new tagline. For the years, we have been working so hard to enhance WordPress web building experience with our advanced WordPress products. And within a few years, we have got 5 millions users who are using our products to build WordPress websites. We feel proud to see how our products have made it easier for WordPress users to build websites faster and improved the overall user experience.

Our CMO Afshana Diya described the impact of WPDeveloper products for WordPress users. She also shared the company’s next direction and announced the new tagline – Powering Up WordPress Experience.

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WPDeveloper Distributed Profit Shares With Team Members

In most cases, private organizations don’t focus on profit sharing. For WPDeveloper it’s all about sharing and caring for teammates and looking after them with all the best facilities. 

This is why profit sharing started in 2020 and this event went more significant than before. Each employee got this profit share benefits with fairness and measured by specific parameters like time calculation from the previous financial year 2021, duration of employment, performance, dedication, and more so that no one feels left out and becomes satisfied to the fullest. Nearly a hundred team members received a share of the company’s profits.

Involvement In WordPress Community 

To promote and introduce WPDeveloper employer branding, we have added multiple segments to highlight the perks & benefits and what position WPDeveloper holds in the world of WordPress. Describing WPDeveloper involvement in the WordPress community was one of the prime segments. 

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WPDeveloper started to sponsor WordCamps from the very beginning. Since then, we have contributed to 10+ WordCamps as a organizer, sponsor, volunteer or speaker

Also, you will be glad to hear that 30+ WPDeveloper employees are contributing dedicatedly 100+ hours in various WordPress sectors, such as Patterns, Designs, Polyglots, Core, Marketing, etc. Our CMO, Afshana Diya described this segment beautifully and interactively with all the detailed information. 

Gender Equality & Women Empowerment In WPDeveloper

Getting equal rights in the workplace is one of the biggest concerns in today’s world. And we, WPDeveloper, are happy to announce we try to provide all kinds of facilities for our women employees. Among the most notable are 16 weeks of paid pregnancy leave, flexible working hours, and many more. 

Recently, one of our own was blessed with a beautiful baby girl, and during the event, she shared her experience with WPDeveloper, and how the whole team had supported her in the office during her pregnancy. For the rest of the team, we were very thrilled to have her join us again for this grand night.

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Focusing On Employees’ Health & Fitness

At WPDeveloper, we also focus on each employee’s health benefits and facilities. Among them are our in-house healthy cooking, in-house gym, full-paid health check-up benefits, etc.

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One of our super active employees also shared his transformation journey with the audience. 

Sports, Activities & Other Fulfillments 

Sports is a part of WPDeveloper’s everyday life. And our cricket team is so powerful that we have already been titled as runners up, 2nd runners up in many national and inter tournaments.

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Our team has also marked their footsteps in football, badminton, etc. Indoor games like foosball are part of our everyday life. Even celebrating sports day annually has become a culture.

In this year’s WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night program, we highlighted one of our employees, an international fence player. He shared his valuable experiences with us, which made us feel really proud. WPDeveloper supports mental and physical fitness the most. 

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Other mentionable sessions focused on our in-house workshops and training, eco-friendly green office environment, etc. these interactive sessions help our employee family members and special guests better understand our employer benefits. 

A Lively Musical Performance To Wrap Up The Night

After the distribution of profits, salary increment announcements, and inauguration of our new tagline, it was wrap up the celebrations with an unforgettable musical performance. Thanks to the incredible performance of the invited performers, we were able to wrap up the event on a high note and with happy spirits!

Thoughts From Our Family Members About WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night

As a team, we would love to thank family members who attended the WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night event. We appreciate the time they took to join their sons, daughters, or partners’ success, organizational growth, and future prospects.  

One of the employee’s mothers said she loved this grand gala night event, food, music, and all special segments and felt proud that her daughter worked here.  

Words From Chief Guests Regarding WPDeveloper’s Success

WPDeveloper invited special guests who are well-known founders of Bangladeshi IT firms, directors and members of BASIS. One of them who attended and honored us with his presence was none other than Mr. Russell T. Ahmed, President of BASIS, and Adnan Imtiaz Halim, Founder of Sheba.XYZ took the stage to share its insightful experiences with us. They also recognized the leadership of our founder M.Asif Rahman and wish him all the best for his future endeavors and the success of his organization. 

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Sharing Our Success Story: Why We Hosted WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night

Our success is only possible because of the combined efforts of the full team. And so, we believe in sharing our success with the whole team, regardless of when they joined the team. This is why WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night is all about distributing profits splendidly among 80+ employees without excluding anyone.

It was more special to us because this grand celebration happened in front of all teammates’ family members, who were the main guests of this gala event. Without our beloved family members’ unconditional support and help, each team member would not have been able to come this far and contribute to WPDeveloper’s success.         

Besides this, every family member is always curious about what the team does in the office, what kind of products they work on, the work culture, the overall environment, etc. And so, we made it a tradition that WPDeveloper Grand Gala Night would be an annual event not just for the team, but for our families too.

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Be A Part Of This WPDeveloper Family!

At WPDeveloper, we always call ourselves a family, not an organization. And proudly, we can say that our teammates also feel the same. After this year’s successful WPDeveloper Grand Gala night event, we look forward to many more years of growth with the full team. 

Do you want to be a part of our WPDeveloper family? Check out all the job openings from here, and join this highly energetic and talented team today.

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