We at WPDeveloper have a great Support Team. No matter what issue you are facing, we are available for you 24/7. No matter which WordPress plugin you are using, be it BetterDocs, Essential Addons, or NotificationX, our Support Team will help you resolve your issues.
How To Get Support? #
In order to get support from our team, simply follow the below steps.
- Visit our Website https://wpdeveloper.com/ and click on the Support Tab, or simply visit this URL instead https://wpdeveloper.com/support.

- Once you are there, you can pick either of the four available options to your
- Select General inquiries from the Support Page for Live Chat.
- Select Priority Support from the Support Page for Support Ticket.

For assistance from our support team fill out the form, scroll down, and hit the Submit Query button.
- Select Documentation from the Support Page for self-servicing.
- Select Community Forum from the Support Page for Facebook Group.
You could get support for any free plugin from the WordPress.org support section too. Go to that plugin’s WordPress.org page, and click on the Support tab. On the other hand for Premium Support click on the Premium Tab. Don’t have a WPDeveloper account yet? Even if you haven’t visited our website before, but are using one of our WordPress plugins or themes, for example, NotificationX or BetterDocs, after you purchased their PRO plan an account was automatically created for you on WPDeveloper Website. Use this URL to land on your Account Page. https://wpdeveloper.com/account/